Insurance Claim Investigation
The National Insurance Crime Bureau reports that 10% or more of property/casualty claims are fraudulent. While the vast majority of workers’ compensation claims are truthful, billions of dollars of false claims are filed each year. When all is said and done, insurance fraud costs Americans nearly $80 billion each year. As the number of claims being filed continues to rise, so does the number of fraudulent claims. Many individuals faced with economic hardship or simply seeking an easy way to earn additional income turn to the insurance industry as a means for financial gain. The result is a drastic rippling effect on the rest of the economy as American businesses and households pay billions of dollars annually in higher premiums and expenses related to fraud.
With insurance fraud being the second costliest white-collar crime in America, the need for professional insurance claims investigations is imperative. We have conducted hundreds of worker’s compensation investigations as well as other claims investigations for law firms and major insurance companies.
Mounting a successful insurance claim investigation is a multi-phased process that includes in-depth investigations, video and photographed surveillance, witness locating and interviewing, subpoena service. We consistently focus on the needs of the client while maintaining the integrity of the investigation.
You can rely on the professionals at Brian Blackwell Investigations, to handle your case with the utmost professionalism, integrity, and competence. Contact us today to receive the assistance you need.